I like it, but the animation seemed a little off
I'm sure everyone is nerdgasming over this one and not writing constructive reviews, so maybe you'll appriciate a nitpicky person like me :P
... I liked it, but some of the animation in there, mainly Sonic and Shadow's quills flowing in the wind and such, it seemed a little choppy. Didn't flow right. I think you just need to add a few more frames and make sure they are actually flowing in a pattern and not just going all over the place. The later parts looked superb, though. You totally have the Sonic X style down. Only other thing I can say is, during that little flashback where Sonic and Shadow are grappling each other in a little stalemate showdown thingamabob... try making it a little more... dramatic? It seemed kinda cheesy. Like they were just standing there, grimacing to each other. Their bodies wern't really INTO it so it didn't seem tense enough.
Well, that's it. But overall I liked it. I look forward to the final one :D